Whey Protein vs Creatine : Difference

Whether your trainer has told you about supplements or you’ve heard about them from friends, when you start reading up on supplements, you will probably experience an info overload. The two main supplements for fitness junkies are whey protein and creatine, so it’s natural for you to wonder, “which is better – whey protein or creatine”? Although both these supplements will help you gain muscle, they are very different and so you need to make a choice depending on your individual requirements. But, we can help you make that decision – here are the differences between whey protein and creatine.

Creatine Vs Whey Protein Function And Effects

“Whey protein is a protein dense supplement that also includes other nutrients, while creatine is not a protein supplement but is an organic compound that is stored in the muscles, improving energy supply”
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Proteins are the building blocks of muscle and so protein powder provides you with protein to repair and build your muscles when you are strength training. Whey protein powder is made from whey, which is the liquid that is left over when milk is curdled to make cheese. Whey powder is a good source of many nutrients, but what makes it ideal for fitness enthusiasts is its high protein content. Studies have shown that consuming whey protein after vigorous exercise results in a significant increase in muscle size and strength. Several studies also suggest that the use of whey protein can reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer, but these are preliminary results and a lot more research is required to ascertain these findings.
Creatine is not a protein – it is an organic compound that is stored in the cells of your muscles. It improves the supply of energy to your muscles, which is why it is often used by bodybuilders, and athletes. Creatine also increases endurance and it helps to increase muscle strength and lean body mass. Your body creates creatine from the protein you consume, so a protein-rich diet will increase the amount of creatine in your system. However, including creatine supplements in your daily diet is a simple way to meet your creatine requirements. Studies show that creatine supplements can increase muscle mass in as little as 2 weeks if you exercise daily.

Creatine Vs Whey Protein Dosage And Timings

“A 70 kg man who works out regularly would require 84 – 119 grams of protein a day, while a 60 kg woman would require 72 – 102 grams; creatine dosage should ideally start at 9-24 grams a day for weeks 1 & 2, which can then be reduced to 5 grams a day”
The RDI (recommended daily intake) for protein is 0.8 g/kg bodyweight, which means that the average man who weighs 70 kgs needs 56 grams of protein per day, while the average woman who weighs 60 kgs needs 48 grams of protein per day. However, athletes and those looking to increase muscle growth or improve muscle tone will have higher protein requirements – between 1.2 to 1.7 g/kg body weight. This means that if you are a 70 kgs man who works out regularly, your protein requirements would be 84 – 119 grams of protein per day and if you are a 60 kgs woman who works out regularly, your protein requirements would be 72 – 102 grams of protein per day.
With regard to the timings of whey protein consumption, studies show that protein supplementation – both pre-workout and post-workout increases performance, recovery, lean body mass, and muscle mass and strength. However, a post workout whey protein shake would be most effective if it was combined with glucose.
There are no RDI recommendations for creatine, but nutritional experts suggest that anyone who wants to use creatine supplements should start with a “loading dose” phase of 1-2 weeks in which the individual consumes 9-24 grams a day – broken up into 4 equal doses spread out over the course of the day. After this, the person can reduce their creatine intake to just one dose of 5 grams of creatine per day to maintain muscle levels. Creatine intake has been linked to dehydration and similar health issues, which is why people who take creatine supplements are advised to increase their water intake to approximately 2 liters a day.
While both whey protein and creatine can give you an edge when working out, it is imperative that you follow dosage guidelines religiously. Be particularly careful with creatine because of the higher risk, especially if you suffer from any preexisting condition.


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