The Probable Reason Why A Particular Group Of People Remain Poor For Generations

Our society, for long has been divided into affluent, middle class and the poor. There are thousands of families that live in abject poverty.Vividly some specific clans, ethnic groups, tribes, villages, cities, countries as well as continents have been associated with poverty over generations.They have become so used to the state of poverty that it doesn’t seem to a be problem to them anymore.

Over the years, they have come to accept poverty as a way of life. They now know, believe and even teach their younger generation that it is what they have to move on with. They no longer seek for ways to eradicate it anymore.

They have become accustomed to being in need all the time, of being hungry all the time, of looking for just enough to eat for the mean time, of accepting that riches weren’t just meant for them.

They no longer plan for life out of poverty. Luxury for them is a mystery that can never be attained. Poverty is the inability to provide for yourself and or immediate family the basic needs of life, like the inability to put your children through school, get basic necessary hygiene etc. 

My point is not why they are poor, but my point is why they have been in poverty for decades? How come they haven’t found a way to fight this great epidemic called 'poverty'. Don’t they ever want to be able to feed for themselves the basic necessities of life?  
Haven’t they found a way to get out of it, or they don’t even want to.

Please note that poverty isn’t only in poor countries, there are extremely poor people in developed countries too. And this poverty has been in particular families for generations. No one gets rich from that particular family or community or area or village. They are just a poor family, people or country over generations.Years come and go, decades come and go and no one is doing anything about it. From Childhood, poverty has become their way of life. It no longer borders them to have a change.

Only 10% of the world’s population has 90% of the world’s riches.Why? 
To answer the fierce question of the decade, here is why some people have remained poor over decades and over generations upon generations.The bad thing is that, these statistics will stay like this for years, for many years. Not much will change.

Now, let's see, why don’t they do something about it?

The only aspect of life they understand is consumption.
They don't understand the importance of building wealth. They don’t know what it means to eat for today and keep the rest for the rainy days. It’s call saving. They consume whatever is at their disposal. They haven't grasped the positive effect of delay gratification. It's a reality for those who cannot sacrifice, which brings up the second reason.

They don’t save for rainy days.

If only they could fathom a life out of poverty, they wouldn’t fill their stomach to the brim today and forget tomorrow. You will notice that poor people eat more than the rich. 

They have been blinded by one stupid saying that "What goes into your stomach is yours" so? 
That doesn’t mean it must be at a go. They haven’t learnt how to save money.They spend all that they earn in a go.

Jealousy, envy and greed.  

Most of these families, clans and communities that have remained in poverty for generations have greed, envy and jealousy traits within themselves. They don’t want to see others' progress and thus cannot support each other. No man is an island in himself. No man can become rich single-handedly in this world. Human capital is the brain behind all Individuals' / Countries' wealth that have been developed today.

They haven’t realized the importance of investment. 
If only they could know, and or understand how investments can change their lives, they won’t eat every little penny that they earn.They wouldn't have filled their stomachs to the brim every evening. Small Investments at regular intervals help in building up your wealth over a longer period of time .

No one to set an example or motivate younger generations. 
Their cheap mentality is being handed to them through the lifestyle they grow up with. They don't have anyone among the adults to inspire or motivate them for a change, not even in their schools, churches, markets and daily life. Everything is poverty clothed. Everyone is blinded by poverty. I was very inspired when I read the story of Dr Myles Monroe, he was able to break free and question their state of poverty at a very young age. Only the grace of God could have done that to him. 

Those that manage to move up as leaders are very corrupt and full of greed.
No country or community can prosper under a corrupt and greedy leader. A corrupt person cannot carry out any development, even for their own benefits. Corruption clouds their minds.

These are the general traits and main reasons why some specific communities, families, clans, countries and continent have remained under the cloud of poverty over decades.

After reading this post, checkout where you come from and maybe breakout and set the pace for others to follow, educate, or do something about it. But if where you come from is out of this topic, you also do have the human responsibility to help uplift others on this planet. That’s why you are here reading this.

Please Share, Like and Comment to help enlighten those under this burden for a better world.


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